Building Security


Lebanon School District issues keys, fobs, and ID's through the Buildings & Grounds department. All keys, fobs, and ID's no longer in use should be returned to the Buildings & Grounds department.

District staff should contact the Buildings & Grounds Department immediately at ext. #6732 if you have lost your key, fob or ID.

Requests for new keys or additional fob access should be directed through your building principal.

Keys issued to Buildings & Grounds staff are to be used only for the work they perform. They are not permitted to loan keys to anyone or to unlock doors for anybody without direction from the building principal.

Building access is only permitted between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.

Entry into a building after normal work hours requires you to sign in and out on the clipboard at the security touchpad. The last person to leave the building will need to activate the security system before leaving. Directions for activating the system are located near the touchpad. After hour entry points:

Harding, door L

Henry Houck, door H

Northwest, door D

Southeast, door C

Southwest, door H

Middle School, door U

Athletic Building, door A

High School, doors E1 at library building, door T at gym building, door I2 at auditorium building, door A at high school office, and door G at district office.


To improve security measures, we are asking all teachers to close and lock their classroom doors at the end of their day. It is the responsibility of the classroom teacher to be sure that their room is orderly and safe. Should you have facility safety concerns, please submit a web helpdesk ticket. If it needs to be addressed immediately contact Buildings & Grounds at ext. #6732. Remember to keep your building principal informed.

All windows should be closed, lights turned off, and doors locked before leaving the classroom for the day.


It is recommended that you not bring friends, family, or pets to the buildings during unoccupied hours. If you choose to do so, you will assume responsibility for any damages that may be incurred. You need to provide adequate supervision for those guests and keep them with you at all times. Under no circumstances should children be sent to the gym to play or be allowed to run in the hallways.