Curriculum & Instruction:
Curriculum is more than the courses of instruction that we offer in our schools. Our Curriculum is based on the Pennsylvania Standards. The standards are designed to help students fulfill grade level progress as they progress towards graduation. The Lebanon School District has created various options for our students as they matriculate through the curriculum. We offer content courses in the traditional classroom setting, Blended-Schools instruction (a combination of traditional classes and computer-based instruction), advanced placement courses, dual enrollment with local colleges, and virtual instruction.
How we support and develop student learning is outlined by Pennsylvania's Standards Aligned System (SAS) which includes clear standards, fair assessments, a focused curriculum framework, best-practices for instruction, appropriate materials and resources, and planned interventions. When we speak of a Standards Aligned System, we are focusing our efforts with the central focus of Student Achievement. To read more on the Standards Aligned System visit the Department of Education's website by selecting this link.
The Lebanon School District has a group of teachers that work with Curriculum Coordinators, the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment to design our curriculum to match the National Common Core Standards. As we progress through our updates, our curriculum will be available on this website. Until then, you may contact me at 273-9391 or ask to speak to the department chairperson for the particular content area.